Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another New Nest

We were shopping in Winners on Friday when we saw an interesting cat "tent". We were trolling the pet aisle and saw an oddly shaped pillow-like item stuffed into the shelf. When we pulled it out we saw it was actually a cat bed shaped like a tent. There was a small square cushion attached that goes into the base and helps the tent keep it shape. Discussion in the car on the way home...."Which cat will be in here first?". I was firmly convinced it would be Spike, but hubby thought Angel might be the one who would lay first claim. Well...yes and no. Angel was quick on the draw as soon as the tent came in the door...busy sniffing around and in the front. But he wasn't brave enough to actually go in. So the tent sat on the floor..waiting and waiting for the first official occupant. And no surprise here...hubby's camera caught Spike checking out the inside from the inside!


Cat said...

You can always count on a kitty to come investigating!

Katnip Lounge said...

You two sound *just* like Scott and me! Who's gonna do what first...
I bet Spike settled in for a nice long snooze, that tent looks cozy.

MTVA said...

Another new nest to conquer! I hope the other cats have become brave enough to enter - it's a perfect backdrop for their gorgeous white floofiness!